Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Trip to Blender Studios

Last week I did an artist interview with DREW FUNK for a super rad Australia/New York based street art magazine KINGBROWN. The next issue will be dropping in stores soon so make sure to keep an eye out! 

In between questions I took a few photos around Drew's studio. He's apart of BLENDER, one of the original street art studios in Melbourne. Such a rad space right in the middle of the city with super high ceilings, 15 different work spaces and a gallery out front. Here are a few photos I took around the place on a Nikon camera I'm borrowing from a friend (and super rad photographer) Lekewl using 3200 ISO Kodak film. So much fun playing around with a new camera. Thanks Michael!!

First week in Melbourne and I got to meet Lister. Such a rad artist.


I've seen this tagged a few times around town now. Dude who has taken my name?

I have about 5 rolls of film getting developed at the moment...safe to say I'm hooked and can't stop. So much eye candy in this city! Hope you enjoy x

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Divine People in my Life

Phew! Survived my first large scale installation work. Like I mentioned last week, I'm over in Melbourne at the moment with my good friend and talented artist Tiffany Singh helping out with her participatory installation Drums Between the Bells for the Next Wave Festival. After 30+ hours of prep and a 8 hour installation, her work is now complete and out in the universe. Seeing and hearing 12,000 bells in a tree was honestly so breathtaking....only wish they could of all stayed up for longer!

Thursday, 10 May 2012

My Week In Melbourne - Part 1

One week in Melbourne and it's conclusive. This is definitely a city I could live in! It's the little things about this city that make me happy. I love being in a city where every night of the week people are out and about, where every night of the week there's something to do. Where Art and Music fill the streets. Where everyone's an artist or if not an artist then a lover of the arts. Where you can happily get lost in endless backstreets, vintage shops and underground train stations, stopping whenever you feel the need to warm up with steaming hot mulled wine or some of the most delicious dumplings you have ever tasted. It's definitely freezing here at the moment so that is pretty often for me :)